Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Iacocca – An Autobiography by Lee Iacocca with William Novak is one of my favourites !  I’m sure that this record breaking bestseller by the author of TALKING STRAIGHT, will be enjoyed by all his readers. A must read for all management students and those who are headed for a business career....  

Lee Iacocca , the son of Italian immigrants , is  an American legend.  He  is a straight – shooting , fast talking , blunt, practical  business man - the man who made his mark by giving results ! His name is the symbol of integrity, ‘guts’ and know-how. He is one of the great success stories of the decade. A genuine hero...a leader.

Beginning his career at Ford as a trainee,  he rose spectacularly through the ranks of Ford Motor Company and became its president. Iacocca successfully developed many automobiles at Ford, including the Ford Mustang. After 32 years of his employment with Ford , 8 years as President of Ford , he was fired ! Ford was his first and only employer till that date, he had never worked anywhere else. The power play which toppled him would have shattered him, but he didn’t get mad , he got even.

Iacocca was not without a job long , Ford’s loss was Chrysler’s gain . Iacocca ,as the chairman of Chrysler Corporation, was instrumental for the miraculous rebirth of Chrysler from near  bankruptcy to the most envied of the Big Three automakers of America.

His book , IACOCCA – An Autobiography , is a profile of a strong-minded corporate chief. Many people admire him for his marketing savvy and management expertise. This book is his success story, about his breath taking career. Iacocca reads like he talks – plain and straight. This book gives lots of management tips on industrial policy, labour costs, auto safety etc.

1 comment:

  1. Iacocca Mustang Madness - YouTube
